What We Do


Intellectual Outputs
Cultural Heritage (CH) is in the focus of the European Union as motor for employment, economic drive and development. In order to guarantee longevity & usability of European Heritage it is inevitable to keep up with the requirements of society like new technology and digitisation.
The Covid19 crisis added some urgency to the issue as training organisations strongly suffer from restrictions and new rules, which are threatening traditional education and training activities. Especially in regards to hands-on-training, where instructors need to get really close to learners in order to teach practical skills.
The consortium of VI-TRAIN-Crafts takes on the challenge of developing innovative training for traditional/threatened crafts and handling of building damages, which will boost the digitisation of training in (built) Cultural Heritage. A big focus is given to crafts that are almost nowhere trained any more. Lots of those crafts do need a lot of experience and guidance by experienced craftspeople. This training in particular will be boosted by various digitisation support.
Intellectual Outputs
National study on available virtual education for craftspersons of historic buildings
Comparision of functionality of relevant online collaboration and elearning tools
Virtual Crafts Training
Virtual Building Damage Identification Training
Train-The-Trainer education for instructors for virtual crafts and virtual building damage identification training
Overcoming human restrictions in using/participating in virtual training for craftspersons, building damage inspectors and instructors
IO 1: National study on available virtual education for craftspersons of historic buildings
Description of available virtual education and further education for craftspersons working in/for historic buildings
- In consideration of existing studies
- In consideration of own experiences of the partners
- All Country reports will be available for all partner country of VI-TRAIN-Crafts
- Each of these reports will be generated in respective partner country language
- All country reports will also be translated only to EN
- Will include also several tool expert interviews to verify the findings
- Selected education & trainings
- Conducted several interviews with tool experts
- Country reports in partner language / digital&paper
- Country reports in English / digital&paper
IO 2: Comparision of functionality of relevant online collaboration and elearning tools
Identification, evaluation and documentation of existing relevant online collaboration and elearning tools (e.g. Video Conferencing Tools like Zoom, GoToMeeting; interactive presentation tools like Mentimeter, iSpring Suite; elearning platforms like moodle) for virtual trainings of craftsperson working in/for historic buildings
- In consideration of existing market studies
- In consideration of own experiences of the partners, especially the HEC partner
- All Country reports will be available for the all partner country of VI-TRAIN-Crafts
- Each of these reports will be generated in respective partner country language
- All country reports will also be translated only to EN
- Will include also several tool expert interviews to verify the findings
- Selected electronic / virtual means
- Coordinated list of interview partners
- Conducted interviews with experts
- Country reports in partner language / digital&paper
- Country reports in English / digital&paper
IO 3: Virtual Crafts Training
Training material for “VI-TRAIN-Crafts – Virtual Crafts Training” will be developed and tested:
- Develop Learning Outcomes per learning element
- Develop self-assessment & exam questions, integrating them into the system, and providing ECQA exam service
- Develop training material by using the design.train.mastery Navigator
- Translate from EN into partner languages
- Convert the training material into multimedia format, establishing the ECQA campus online training, and integrating ECQA skills browsing, exam and learning services.
- Support all partners in using the ECQA platform and online joint classes for teaching
- Test training material “VI-TRAIN-Crafts – Virtual Crafts Training” (virtual)
- Selected training for virtualisation
- Developed curriculum, training setting, training materials and exam questions
- Selected craftsperson for implementing virtual crafts training
- Developed script for virtual crafts training (draft, finalise and upload to Platform)
- Developed manual for using virtual crafts training (develop, evaluate and release execution information, following the design guidelines for presentation slides, structure of training material and ECQA guidelines; finalise and upload to Platform)
- Translated Virtual crafts training (translate manual, upload it to Online Platform)
- Conducted pilot training (1x 5 days; organise/prepare user tests of the training setting and manual)
IO 4: Virtual Building Damage Identification Training
Based the studies (IO1 and IO2) and defined requirements of the partner organisation and their staff members the structure of the content of the e-learning platform as well as the content of a virtual training course for craftspersons for historic buildings and CH sites will be developed. The final output will include a training curriculum, including the trainer concept and the detailed description of structure, schedule and activities of this virtual training.
Training material for “VI-TRAIN-Crafts – Virtual Building Damage Identification Training” will be developed and tested:
- Develop Learning Outcomes per learning element
- Develop self-assessment & exam questions, integrating them into the system, and providing ECQA exam service
- Develop training material by using the design.train.mastery Navigator
- Translate from EN into partner languages
- Convert the training material into multimedia format, establishing the ECQA campus online training, and integrating ECQA skills browsing, exam and learning services.
- Support all partners in using the ECQA platform and online joint classes for teaching
- Test training material “VI-TRAIN-Crafts – Virtual Building Damage Identification Training” (virtual)
- Selected competences for building damage inspection
- Developed curriculum, training setting, training materials and exam questions
- Selected participants for implementing virtual building damage identification training
- Developed script for virtual building damage identification training
- Developed training material for using virtual building damage identification training
- Translated Virtual building damage identification training
- Conducted Pilot training (1x 5 days; organise/prepare user tests of the training setting, curriculum, learning outcomes and training material)
IO 5: Train-The-Trainer education for instructors for virtual crafts and virtual building damage identification training
Based the studies (IO1 and IO2) and defined requirements of the partner organisation and their staff members the structure of the content of the e-learning platform as well as the content of a virtual training course for instructors in virtual crafts resp. virtual building damage identification in historic buildings and CH sites will be developed. The final output will include a training curriculum, including the trainer concept and the detailed description of structure, schedule and activities of this virtual training, based on the existing face-to-face Train-The-Trainer course developed in MODI-FY and adapted in PRO-Heritage.
- Selected competences for instructors
- Developed curriculum, training setting, training materials and exam questions
- Selected participants for implementing TTT-training
- Developed script for virtual TTT-training
- Developed training material for using virtual TTT-training
- Translated Virtual TTT-training
- Conducted Pilot training (1x 5 days; organise/prepare user tests of the training setting, curriculum, learning outcomes and training material)
IO 6: Overcoming human restrictions in using/participating in virtual training for craftspersons, building damage inspectors and instructors
Based the studies (IO1 and IO2) and defined requirements of the partner organisation and their staff members the structure of the content of the e-learning platform as well as the content of a virtual training course for craftspersons, building damage inspectors and instructors for historic buildings and CH sites will be developed. The final output will include an analysis report to overcome restrictions like move sickness in AR/VR for craftspersons, building damage inspectors and instructors, including causes for these restrictions and based on these causes solutions to overcome the restrictions for virtual training for these target groups.
- Defined research design
- Derived research questions
- Conducted move sickness study
- Analysed results of human restrictions in using/participating in virtual training (move sickness study)
- Concluded results in a report on "Human Restrictions in using/participating in Virtual Training"